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Online Banking

Debit Cards

Need to Request a Debit Card PIN?
To activate, set or change your GreenLeaf Bank debit card PIN call: 1-800-992-3808

GreenLeaf Bank's Debit MasterCard®
Now anywhere you see MasterCard®, Cirrus or Plus symbols, you can use your GreenLeaf Bank debit MasterCard. When using our debit MasterCard®, the funds come directly from your checking account without having to write a check. You will get a receipt for your transaction and all transactions will appear on your monthly bank statement.

Call or visit our office to apply.

Your GreenLeaf Bank’s debit MasterCard® is:

  • Quicker than writing a check
  • Safer than carrying cash
  • More convenient than carrying a checkbook

Use your debit MasterCard® at the gas station, when you are out of town, at your favorite restaurant, or when shopping online or by phone.  The Debit MasterCard® gives you 24-Hour banking convenience. Use your GreenLeaf Bank debit card to:

  • Make deposits or withdrawals
  • Check balances
  • Transfer funds between accounts at any ATM locations.

 Your debit card also includes:

  • Free with all checking accounts
  • No Annual Fee
  • Fraud protection against unauthorized usage
  • MoneyPass FREE ATM network – access to thousands of ATMs across the U.S.
  • Get Cash Back at participating merchants
  • Transaction details appear on monthly statements


GreenLeaf Bank is part of the MoneyPass® surcharge-free ATM network, and that translates into significant benefits for you. MoneyPass has over 40,000 ATMs coast to coast.

If your Debit MasterCard® is lost or stolen:

Please immediately call GreenLeaf Bank during regular business hours at 1-920-864-7901 or call 1-800-472-3272 to report your card lost or stolen during non-banking hours.

Please be aware email is not a secure method of communication. Do not use email to send us confidential or sensitive information such as passwords, account numbers, or social security numbers. If you need to provide this type of information, contact us by phone, fax, or regular mail.